Jennifer Hudson, who achieved no mean feat with her 80 lb weight loss, must have been very pleased about it and it seems that everyone else should be pleased too. But not so fast – there is someone who has reservations.
Jay Leno, when talking to the former American Idol finalist on Friday night’s show, and discussing the changes the Weight Watchers brought about, inquired about Hudson’s fiancé David Otunga – was he equally impressed?
But Otunga, the singer said, is not the one who likes changes.
The spokesperson for Weight Watchers added that “he’s getting adjusted” to her new body and new looks as she had herself fitted with haute couture. He was accustomed to her dressing more casually and is inclined to fuss over the way she turns herself out before leaving the house. She has to remind him that she is now a kind of “a walking billboard”!
Hudson, 29, and Otunga have been a couple since 2008 and have a son David Jr., born in August 2009.