Prince William and Kate Middleton’s royal wedding reception may not be the traditional affair their families were expecting. Word on the Curb has it that Kate’s kid sister and maid of honor, Pippa, has clashed with staff at Buckingham Palace over the subject of disco balls — or glitter balls, as they are known in the UK.
If you’re a devoted Royal Gawker, you likely already know that Kate and Pippa’s parents have made millions as the owners of an online business called Party Pieces. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that the bride’s sister has some strong ideas when it comes to the decorations that should adorn the palace following Friday’s big after-wedding bash. Those ideas, however, are causing a pesky problem with Palace officials, who are particularly aghast at the idea of putting disco balls in the throne room, according to London’s Daily Mail. The horror!
“Pippa’s choice of turning the throne room into a nightclub set-up… went down like a lead balloon with Palace aides, who tried to have it stopped,” a palace informant told the paper.
Luckily for Pippa, William has come to the rescue. The prince insists he wants his after-reception party to be different from the one being thrown by his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, after Friday morning’s nups at Westminster Abbey. We hear Kate and Wills want a “young party” to follow the more formal reception, complete with a post-wedding breakfast disco thrown together by Pippa.