Salman Khan has simply proved to the world that he is not to be taken lightly. Amongst all the heavy-weight Khans, he is the coolest Khan around.
Recently there were a lot of inside stories coming out about how Salman Khan is a very kind at heart and how he always looks after everyone like a big brother and takes care of them.
This once angry young man has truly proved to the world that he has a soft mushy heart deep inside which is being adored by one and all in the film industry.
Thus, whenever the new generation of actors are asked about Salman Khan, every time there come up with some real life experiences of how Salman Khan made sure that there was proper lunch on the sets etc. However what makes this burly star so popular with the masses and the classes?
Well to analyze from a broad perspective, the fact is that he is respected truly for the positive attitude that he has in him. He has never been caught with any negative statements about any of his colleagues or co-stars. He is as chilled as a teenager. He has no permanent enemies, as it is well known that he forgives and forgets things and is always ready to hug and make up (remember his recent hug to John Abraham?)
Salman Khan’s kind streak is also evident in his social work activities. Everyday there are stories about how he gave cycles to some children on the streets, how he gave a bundle of notes to someone who had been struggling for years and many things like that. His setting up of the ‘Being Human’ organization is also a great way for him to give whatever he can to help some children.
All his colleagues and co-stars adore him. Even Katrina Kaif has often said that Salman Khan has a heart of gold! So without doubt all these attributes do make him the coolest Khan!